Aura, Creative, Event, Higher Self, Intuition, Loved Ones, Medium

Awakening Auras Workshop

Auras are a field of energy and is believed to shield and protect your subtle non-physical body. The aura appears like a glow around your physical body. It protects your energy system from the harmful effects of the environment. You will notice an aura around every living being. Discover the methods and practices that enable you to view the aura, and develop your clairvoyance to gain intuitive understanding of the colors, the shapes and hues and their meanings. Auras are as unique as fingerprints, plus they are always changing slightly dependent upon our mood, health and emotional state.
The class will encompass:
1- Understand what is an aura.
2- Understand and interpret the colors and shapes within the aura.
3- How to strengthen and protect your aura through grounding & cleansing.
4- How to interpret auras through clairvoyance and clairsentience.
5- Techniques to view your aura as well as others’ auras.

This interactive class will give you opportunities to practice your new skills as well as give you take-home handouts for you to refer back on.
Cost: $50. ~ Book now as there is limited seating! For more information please message FB@GailIntuitiveMedium
This class is designed for all levels. No prior experience necessary. Come down and have some fun and bring a friend!

Family, Loved Ones

In All That It Is

Massive changes within the family dynamic and it is the accepting part that was worked on in my inner psyche. Grabbed that courage deep down in the belly and brought it up to the heart and staying on course. True North. Our matriarch has been diagnosed with dementia last year and our family has stepped up to the plate and supported each other. Mom has diminished to a slight version of herself but it has been learning for all of us from day 1. My first clue was 4 years previous when she called me a different name and then on a later call days later to say she only had one daughter. There are two of us. I let this episode sink in. November proved to be trying month with admission to a elders lodge as we all let go of the fact that we could no longer give her the care she needed. As the residence is on lockdown due to covid we are able to spend time with her by taking her for drives through the countryside. Our newest past time is singing. She remembers the words to some songs. She is still able to read and announces the town we are entering. It is these moments that I am grateful. For today it is all about the mindfulness and drinking in every memory and snapping images of her precious smile. But to say to her, “I love you Nikâwiy” and she replies: “I love you Nitânis” is gold to me. Cree:”nikâwiy” for mother, nitânis for daughter.

Adventures, Crystal Clear, Family, Gift, Guardian Angel, Higher Self, Home Sweet Home, Intuition

Day 5~ Daily I Think

Day 5~ Daily I Think

Watching “Psychic Kids” and it has been an eye opener for me. A child who has the gift of ‘sight’ was seeing a ‘dark looking spirit’ hanging around her home. What she was experiencing was similar to what I went through as a small child. I had always been of the mind that having someone that could have told me everything was going to be alright as she did in this show. This little gal’s story had a psychic come over to check out her abilities and the home. After overcoming her fears and able to contain and also instill confidence was she able to move forward and this with the help of her new mentor.

Growing up in an old 1930’s bungalow with my bedroom in the basement sharing it with my little sister and cousin gave me night/day terrors when we went to the bathroom as it was tucked in the corner or when we went to bed. Funny enough those two were not affected as I was. Told I had quite the imagination by my stepdad, my mother did indeed know the truth as my Aunt Doreen told me a few years ago that mom knew I had ‘sight’ as it was on my dad’s side of the family. My mother used ‘good indian medicine’ to rid/cure me of whatever was compelling me to run willy nilly up those stairs fueled by fright. Knowing that I was being stared at or hearing as clear as day whispering and searching for the source and realizing that I was alone gave me great anxiety. This was to go on for many years and there could be days/nights when all was alright and then times when it was quite active. It was not isolated to the basement but also to an upstairs bedroom where I was situated when we first moved in. With a home renovation and new floor and two new bedrooms and a furnace room did I think that it would all go away. But alas it was not to be. By the time I moved out on my own at a early age did I sigh a breath of relief.

I always had this belief that it was only spirit attempting to make a connection with little Gail but was quite afraid to have that experience but with no mentor in sight much like the little girl I watched tonight in this tv show.


Gift, Healing, Higher Self, Intuition, Love, Loved Ones, Medium, Thankful, Universe

Day 4~Daily I Think

Managing my own energy as I have done many times before is paramount in this time of strife and uncertainty. Connecting through reiki on a daily basis has grounded, healed and expanded that healing to whoever I have been working with. A month ago a spark of an idea compelled me to ask for volunteers to participate in distance mini reiki sessions with the intention of spreading inner healing, love and compassion. Who knew that this idea would go forth into long distance reiki healing sessions for groups of people and at this time. My intentions pure and purpose set to laser beam focus of healing energy. Invited two other reiki facilitators to be a part of this event happening this weekend as the more energy the better I say.

My experience with this navigation of energy shifts has been an emotional re-alignment where the stress levels in my body and having a restful night’s sleep have enhanced my lifestyle. A sense of calm and peace has permeated this emotional, spiritual and physical body but has also given rise to my insight and clarity. For me this is abundance, tenfold and why would I not share this gift.


Healing, Home Sweet Home, Letter Writer, Love

Day 3~Daily I Think

Social media can be a great source of entertainment or information as we all know this to be true. Last week when the seriousness of this world wide sickness sunk in, the newsfeed in my facebook community began to come alive. I am not exaggerating when the same informative posts was shared a few 100 times over the next few days. Does this continuity of posts create anxiety in the minds of the average person? Becoming proactive my newsfeed was cleaned by deleting many posts and notifications and lo and behold two days later the wall has once again taken on a sense of peace and tranquility.

The wall has taken on another aspect of stories of business owners who have closed down for a indeterminate amount of time and share their last day in the shop. The not knowing when and hoping that their clients come back to them ‘if’ they have a business when this is all over. But as always there are the community groups that are there to assist those in need. The teachers who go ‘live’ to teach elementary students their grade four curriculum. I, along with a few hundred adults were to learn some insightful aboriginal history. These fb friends are the ‘helpers’ who lend a balance by posting positivity. All good to see.

This is but a drop in the bucket to the whole extent of what is truly working behind the scenes and the mass of energy it is taking to control this situation but I believe we are in good hands. This has been an a challenging experience for many, many people, this we have no doubt but it is one day at a time and we are all in it together. My prayer is for all to stay safe. Until tomorrow, g’nite.

Author, Home Sweet Home, Musing Daily

Day 2~ Daily I Think

Day 2~ 8:00 am has me musing this early morning about what I will do for this day. A self reiki session is in order as it supports well being and the immune system with what I call energy vitamins. And speaking of energy vitamins a dose of Vitamin D and visit Mr. Sun sometime today with a walk in my community. Laying down to sleep last night had this gal praying and expressing gratitude of having all my needs taken care of with another prayer for this morning. Energy vitamins. Good for the soul.

A bowl of porridge with a side of real time vitamins, a good hot cup of coffee. My exercise program has been done and same with my toiletries. Check, check and check! ✔️ This is my routine and nothing has changed for me with the self isolation. Same thing, different day, a much different day.

10:16 am: Taking a break from an NLP online course. Doing this in small increments. My mind is already thinking of supper, can you believe that? Seriously it will be prep work for now and divide the meat after it is cooked into other meals which I can either add rice or vegetables to them. Oh and lo and behold the temperature is in the plus celsius so going to get dressed for the weather and a have a walkabout in my neighbor after the prep.

11:23 am: Back at the course. Productivity. That has always been my sense of purpose for as far as I remember. It’s the staying on course, focused that sometimes has me off kilter. It is for me, “Oh look, squirrel” Hahaha. But I persevere.

1:45 pm: Got the ground beef done and created 4 dinners out of it. Gave the course a rest and may pick it up sometime tonight. Did a little house cleaning and washed some bedding. All in all a most productive day for this gal. Last week I thought of doing a 3 card reading for The World and so I just finished posting that on my facebook page. I wasn’t surprised when I turned the cards over but all in all very positive in the way you look at it.

3:28 pm: So this is just a short snapshot of my life as it is. A good day to wake up with a clear head and a grateful heart. Many projects to be done but no time limit and no hurry on that score. My intentions are good for all and I spread those seeds where I can. So until tomorrow my friends.

Family, Healing, Higher Self

Day 1~Daily I Think

I am reminded of this little known fact that only I am privy to in the family. Our great-grandfather died of Spanish Flu and is now buried along with many others in a unmarked grave down the road from my home. A hundred years passes and now his great-grand daughter is sitting in the same boat. Although my story is that I am well and in good spirits as good as can be expected. Reiki has been my saving grace, that and not perusing through my newsfeed on social media every 10 seconds awaiting for good news and reading the bad. This is a time of mindfulness for me. To be patient. To be balanced. To be compassionate. The long distant reiki sessions that I offer to people are that which feeds my soul and knowing that doing my part to instill quiet in the mind of others.

This week, 1 day away from my favorite event of the year St Paddy’s day has me sitting in self isolation. This in part of my weaken immune system. But call it what you will as I have always been happy being by myself and come up with ideas to be creative with my time. This is no different but for the fact that there is turmoil stirring outside my door. Hope is instilled in my heart and the praying that I do gives me solace from beyond the doors.

So I am going to call this Day 1 and share with you my moments in time during the day. There have been those bouts of scary thoughts that passed through the brain matter but I push it away and do something constructive. Hence the reiki. And speaking of the healing aspect of that that I am not binge eating. Eating with nutrition in mind has come to the fore front and for this thankful. I continue on with my day and say to you, stay safe in your mind and body.


Family, Gift, Guardian Angel, Heaven


My experience with spirit has given me a greater respect for the healing sessions that I am called upon to engage in with others. There are times that I am told the back story of a person that has passed and in that there is laughter through tears. There are also times when I am rocked to the core with what is seen and said and it can stop me short.

It was yesterday that I was asked what it is that I do. “I am a Medium,” was my reply. The volunteer coordinator said that she never expected to hear that at all. “Who does that and why or when did you decide to start this?” she asked. We all have this gift, each and everyone of us but there are some that are more aware. We use intuition in our daily lives and yet there are times when we know but we don’t know how we know. Visitations in dreams of our loved one that have passed are mediumistic with this lucidity. As a child I thought you could see what I could see. I was accused of being a daydreamer and quite good at it. It made me miserable though with the night time terror of being watched. Oh if only someone had told me that it was okay and that spirit was meant to comfort me and not create fear. Explaining to this woman that I honed this gift through life experiences and trauma that I was able to stand in this inner strength and knowing. Using my motto, “I want to heal people with healing messages” summed it up.

I have met many people and when we meet it is as strangers and when I leave the session it is as a friend where we hug. Truly I love the looks on people when they gain a “AHA” moment and you know impact has been made. If you are reading this and have received messages through me I thank you. I thank you for entrusting me in something so private and so loved as I delve in your personal space. So much gratitude that I extend.


Family, Gift, Guardian Angel, Heaven, Letters to Heaven, Love, Loved Ones, Medium


The phone rings. It is the girlfriend. Not mine personally. This one is yours dad. The hospital bed is available here near where I live. It will be yours to live in for the next month. “When will you be down to visit?” she asks. “I am on my way now.” I state.

The bus takes me to the south side of town. Actually it was a number of buses to get to my destination. So long to wait for it to pick me up, to travel through the city, to get off and wait again. Truly impatient to get to your bedside. My throat is closing, my mind is racing, my heart…is breaking.

The building is the University Hospital. It is night when I come through the doors and state my business to the information desk. They tell me what floor you are on. Up the old elevator, out those doors and down the hallway to your room. It is semi dark in there, like an old time noir film. The nurse behind the curtain that surrounds your bed is with you. I wait until she is done. There is another person here. The girlfriend. She tells me not to take too long . That you require rest.

Isn’t that what you have been doing this past year? I don’t understand. I was told a year ago that you had suffered a stroke and there wasn’t anything I could do. But asked not to visit. I was a single woman with a toddler and no means to travel to the town where you were. So there it is.

The curtain opens. The nurse is gentle with me. She takes my hand and brings me to your side and tells me to talk to you. “He may hear you it’s just that he cannot respond.” she states. “The stroke was massive.” They both stare at me while I look down on you. Having a hard time to process all what is happening. Another nurse comes in and she shows me your feet, that they are turning in. I don’t see what they see. That you going into a fetal position. They are explaining that you will soon go. That your time is near and for me to prepare.

This I remember. I stand at the foot of your bed and try to memorize your feet. They look like mine. Not the dainty feet my mother has but the knobby toes that I would be teased about. My gaze takes me to your face. It is not the face of my animated father but someone else. You don’t appear to be there. You are sleeping. The machines are making you breathe. It is too much for one person to bare. If I ever felt more alone it is now with everyone staring at me. I leave and go home.

My visits to your bedside are frequent but kept to a minimum when the girlfriend is there. It is a feeling on her part, like you are not to be shared. I don’t get it. There is no one to fully support me on this end. Not the new boyfriend. He likes to party. How fully he was into it I did not comprehend. So naive to that way. His friend and him used my space to have their fun and I let them. All that noise if you will dimmed the hurt that was invading my soul.

The call came after 2:35 am. You had passed. My heart broke. You know that feeling. We all share that. The quiet dead in our body. The standing still in our mind. Nothing. I don’t recall anything after that. I do know that time takes care of all the details. There is work to be done. Where are you to be buried. How to get you to High Prairie, AB? The minute details with the funeral director here in Edmonton.

At this time days after I am beholden to strangers for a ride to your home town a few hours away. I take Colin with me. My boyfriend. The baby is kept by my aunt while we are gone for two nights. I am not me. Does this make sense to anyone? I am here but I am not. It is out of body. We arrive at a distant cousin home. Their last name is Cunningham. I am being introduced to people who I have no memory of but they do indeed remember me. I get a lot of, “I knew you when you were this small.” They kept remarking that I resembled my dad. It was so strange. I knew they cared but it felt so foreign. So thrust out in the spotlight.

Feb 28, 1986 It is cold this night. I am impatient to see you. It is the wake and I am seated next to your sister Margaret. She has taken her place next to me. She is my rock, my support. Where did she come from? This is all a blur. The small room is dark and very quiet with the roomful of people. I don’t know what to expect. All I want to do is to run up to your casket. My aunt takes my hand. We walk up to you. You are dressed in your army uniform. Wearing your medals. I say to my aunt, “I was promised those medals” Telling me not to worry that she will make sure that I will get them before he is buried. She does indeed keep her promise. I sit down and cry.

March 1, 1986 Oh it is cold. Biting cold. I stand by the hearse and wait. I stand alone, feet away from you by the back door of the dark green vehicle staring into the back window. Finally they open the door and presently bring you to your graveside. Standing next to you I want to once again hold you in my arms, to tell you how much you were loved by me. That winter day bites into my legs. I am handed a package. It is your medals.

There is the standard luncheon soon after and there are many people brought to my table. Long lost relatives I was kept away from by my mother. They tell me stories about you dad. Still I sit there and it is almost that I cannot hear them. There is white noise in my head. The close relatives we stayed with overnight decide to go to the local bar. There is a country jam and I cannot comprehend that we just buried you and you want to what? go to a bar?? Because we are beholden to these people for a ride back to the house, we go.

The locals in this town all seem to know one another. They know each other’s business for the good and the bad of that. I listen to the gossip, some funny stories some sad and disturbing. I have that respectful demeanor happening right now. So timid. So afraid. One after another many acts come on the stage and it is the last that breaks me. He is a gapped tooth man. The town drunk I am told. Straggly hair tucked into a baseball cap. He saunters onto the stage. It is as if the crowd hold their breathe. And then he sings, “Honey, honey, honey won’t you open that door, this is your sweet baby, don’t you love me anymore, honey won’t you open that door?” But he presents it in a humorous manner that everyone breaks our laughing. Even me. I let loose, laughing loudly. My aunt smiles at me. I cry and laugh. Even through tears I laugh. It is that release, that sweet release I needed.

Dad it is Feb 2, 2019, almost 33 years since you passed on Feb 23, 1986 at 2:37 am. I miss you like crazy. Like now as I write this. I may have you energetically but it is not the same. I want to feel your hugs. Your kisses. The tug of your fingers on my nose as you try to pull it off. Those funny things that daddies do that love their little girls.

P.S. The image of this watch that belonged to my father was worn by me for close to a year when it suddenly stopped on the anniversary of his death, date and time. I woke the next morning and put it on and then seen the time. It has been that way since then.

#333 #Dreams #Visit