Author, Family, Heaven, Letters to Heaven, Love, Loved Ones, Medium, Psychic


It was that word I was not to understand when I had my own mediumship reading given to me by a mentor. She was bringing in my father and the one word that stuck out was, “Sorry” It took me days to get my “AHA” moment as it is when you go to a session. This word was given to me a few years ago. It was today that I had a heart to heart talk or the start of one with Dad. If you know my story, then you know he passed away in 1986. I asked him why he would leave me when I needed him the most. I remember those phone calls begging him to take me to his house hundreds of miles of away. I begged him.

My family life was shaky at the best of times and I am being nice for there sake. What was it that my own blood took her anger out on me. I will never know. But I found my dad’s number and phoned him, crying to him, to help me. It was not to be. The only times I was allowed to see him were a couple of weeks in the summer time as I was needed at home to babysit my step brothers and sister. If he came to town which was rare I would sit in his hotel room with him. One of those moments stands out as he was staying at the Cecil Hotel. He shows me his bullet wounds. The old scars on his body. He shows me his medals he received. He tells me that when he dies that I will receive those medals.

When he did pass away and I made my way up north, I talked to his sister Margaret and told her as I looked down on dad in his casket dressed in his uniform and wearing the medals that they were promised to me. It was to be presented to me when they buried him in the cold ground that wintry day. The priest put them in my hand. I felt utterly alone.

But the years pass and all I knew of what I felt of my father was the deep love for him, his essence. The word sorry came to me that day in that reading when I realized what he was saying that for. I told myself at that time it was not needed. But indeed it was. So to get back to that conversation with dad. The deep realization that he knew now what has transpired but had deep sorrow for that. “Where were you when I needed you. Where? Did you not believe me when I told you my stories? Did you not know I was the truth teller?”

Well dad the time has come to now truly forgive you. To let go. This has all come to pass and for all those experiences my body, mind and spirit took I am the better person for it. I only wish you were here physically by my side. You would be 93 though. And I am glad to have heard that word. It means so much to me now.

Much love and huge hugs and lots of kisses to you Dad!

Gift, Guardian Angel, Intuition, Love, Medium, Psychic

Who Knew..

Who knew that when I let go all would work out to be the way it is. Let it Be. I look back on the fear that permeated my being by saying no to encouraging my growth. Being stuck in Anxietyville was the only thing I knew and believe it or not felt safe. To go beyond meant facing something that I could not endure in that space and time. I look now on the peace and freedom my life brings me and I shake my head at those fear based thoughts. Look at me all tied in knots, afraid of her own shadow and bites the hearts of those that would reach out with her harsh words to keep them at bay. Yes, I was that person. “Give me my space!” I demanded. Did anyone have a clue what I was going through. Man, I was a mess. Hahahaha. If I could I would go up to the former Gail and say, “Hey slow down, give yourself a break, do not give into the demands of life and go easy on yourself. Know that the Universe has your back.”

Five years ago or maybe more I was encouraged to attend class for psychic development. Omg, my mind went south to heck in a hand basket. Ego decided to hitch a ride and give it to me full blast. “You do not have what it takes, you will fail. It will be too much work. You are not intuitive, quit kidding yourself.” Yes, this was my cheerleading section in my mind. Ego was having a party and I was the only attendee. Slowly I came around with baby steps and being in a relationship at that time had a bit of encouragement to try it out. More and more I came out of my shell. Made new friends, trusted them with my heart and talked of things that interested me and they knew what I was going through. This was my tribe. I had finally found them.  This tribe consisted of women that had similar stories to mine. They had seen stuff happen around them that no other could see. They day dreamed a lot. Too much so that they were accused of living in another world. To be accused of being a liar crushes a young person’s spirit and deny’s them there truth. Know this.

Today you will see a vibrant, empowered, say it like it is, take charge of my own life kind of woman. Meditation is what centered me. Starting that off was such an endurance test but I passed it. Having made attempts to try it but not finishing a session only made me want to overcome it. Instead of pushing myself to sit in silence for 15 minutes I then went on Youtube and found a great guided meditation by Naomi Nonu-Carling called “Angel Contact” and started off with a minute. I came out of that psyched and ready to move on to add more minutes. So in one day I meditated for a whole hour, again starting off with that one golden minute. Today when I have a session with a client I actually bring them into meditation for a minute or three to show them how easy it is, starting with breathe. Telling them to push out those thoughts with your breathe. Steady one’s mind. Surprised looks are the norm when they come out and how it took for minutes to go by.

If I can do anything to help a person go beyond where they are now and if this is through a reading then I have fulfilled my purpose.

Adventures, Higher Self, Home Sweet Home, Loved Ones, Medium, Musing Daily, Psychic

Thus Far

Whoa, I tell myself. You’ve done quite a bit and need to re-group. You sold your home that you lived in for 30 years, found the place of your dreams and am nicely ensconced. Moved in, bought new furniture, a better vehicle and in all this your psychic development grew. Then when you thought everything was going well, a relationship ended but for the better. We go onto be better than we were, we both agreed. Then the people started to contact you slowly and you were booked for events.


The place is quiet. It is like a dream I tell myself. I have never had this much peace in my life. There are days when the phone doesn’t ring from clients and some days when I am booking and it’s busy. I love it. Had I known that being part of giving readings to people would definitely give me total purpose I would have sought it years ago. There are some that have past who have so much vibrancy when they come in and then other’s that hang back. Every reading is different. Laughter comes in unexpected at times. It catches me when I “see” something and have to convey my vision to the client as they tearfully say, “Yes, yes, he was such a card!” The reading could start with someone “coming in” and showing me how they passed away or what they loved to do creatively when they were alive.

Ask me two years ago if this is where I would have been. “No way!” would have been my reply. No way that I would have moved, let alone move to another suburb. But I see this is all meant to be, everything! With so much gratitude I thankfully take on this blissful peace, the mornings with the sun streaming in, the people that come my way for healing messages. I Thank God.

#Gratitude #SoMuchFreakenJoy #PeaceEqualsHappiness

Crystal Clear, Medium, Psychic, Universe

Wake Up!!

Psychic development classes and now mediumship starting next week and I look forward to what may come. I have been slowly progressing in this time past with my intuition growing ever so strong with dreams tinged with messages meant to grab my attention. Such was the one Christmas week with rainbows dotting the brilliant blue sky, cartoon like but oh so many. Looking it up as soon as I awoke was the definition stating that promises were being kept or in another that wishes coming true. Days later and on Christmas morning believe plastered all over my dream. Yes, yes I see you I kept saying in my dream. I pay close attention these days and I feel higher self knows this. (Well of course he would.)

That very morning standing outside on a day where the snow fell down, big fluffy flakes and out of the side of my eye an aura like light green. I then stared right at where I had seen the light green snow and of course it had disappeared, or did it? Again I unfocused my eyes and it appeared. Delighted I marveled at this beautiful gift. I then remembered the message from my dream..believe. Oh I truly do I stated out loud but not so loud to alarm passersby.

It is my opinion that I am being tweaked and that all that I notice or am made more aware of is to be savored and then to move onto to another delight of Creators realm. 2016 proves to be a memorable year as I am so sure of this. The days cannot fill all that I want to make happen in my life and I love the purposeful days with not enough hours. I now get it when I have been told by my elder Aunt that I always had the gift. I now know the mechanisms of this unique and wonderful world, the subtle sightings of glimmers when I stare unknowingly of someone’s aura. Yes, I do believe!

Medium, Psychic

Dialing In

I was thinking of good old dad this morning and the following is a must share. Growing up with my dad in the army where he was gone for long periods of time and rarely able to stay long with us gave me a sense of loneliness and insecurity. Doing his duty for his country took a huge toll on my family life and my mother was granted a divorce when I was five. He ended his tour of duty not to long after, moved a five hour drive and as the dollar was tight for mom I was not to see him as much as I could. This was to be until he passed away in 1986.

A few weeks ago I was hosting a medium/psychic party in my home where I booked 8 of my friends who had 20 minutes each with the readers. And because I was hosting this I was given a free reading from Melissa and Brenda. When it was time to see Brenda who did the mediumship she turned to me and said, “Your father is with you and wishes to say how very sorry he is.”  There were more affirmations that I would only know so I was a tad curious and let her go on without interrupting.

Now all the time I was growing up I never had any harsh thoughts against my father and so I was stymied at her statement but only until she added, “He is sorry for not being there for you.”  And then the dam broke and I was all tears. In all this it occurred to me how my life would have been so much better for his guidance, for him being a dad to me, to show me that he loved me. I felt so separated from him physically but so emotionally. That truly affected me growing up and my self confidence was something that I was always seeking. I had successfully pushed down those feelings and didn’t know they existed until that defining moment of my reading.

This is what they call a healing message which I have heard stories from my mentor’s and so happy to have been on the receiving end of one. And so it is with this story that I imparted to you all and the very reason why I want to develop my abilities to also give healing messages, to help heal people. Ego has no place in this world of light and love where it is all about the reader. This is all about what spirit gives to the person being read and so it is all about them. To be further from the hurt we carry, a burden on our backs if you will and to lighten the load or to conquer it and to move on and be at peacedad.

Intuition, Psychic

Fall Is Around The Corner!


How does one begin this paragraph with perhaps, what I did on my summer vacation? For the past year I have been the student of a psychic development class. A class that I found quite by accident or was it? I am the great believer that teachers, mentors of life are put in our path, that situations are made to pique our interest and the day I got into my head looking for a spiritualist church which I did. St Brigid’s fit the ticket for this gal. I felt perfectly at home the first Sunday at there service’s with talk of consciousness, there mission, to introduce the philosophy and science of Spirituality. Add to this, the psychic development class and I was so in!

It has been a whirlwind of extraordinary delights to be with like-minded people such as I and have revelled every week with the different exercises to be done. An untethered woman such as I with no structure of great knowledge of how to use my gifts further has truly opened my eyes to a new world. I may become impatient and want it all now but know that it takes time to learn every step to raising one’s vibration, the belief in spirit, grounding, affirmations, the intent of goodness in my heart to help with messages. And so it is with the summer almost over and with me looking forward to the fall classes, it cannot happen soon enough. True I have been doing this on my own this summer without my classmates if you will, reading books to keep up, reading my tarot cards for myself and others but I know truly that it is spirit that comes through for me, that it has always been in me.