Intuition, Story Teller, Universe

“Excuse me, but do I know you?

ShamanAnd that first sentence was how I met a Elder yesterday at my very favorite haunt, a place I go to for my morning breakfast. I had just finished doing a tarot card reading for one of the girls that works there and was settling my bill. An older native gentlemen stood a few feet away from the till watching me. He then turned and asked me that question. I replied that he did look familiar and then our truly extraordinary conversation unfolded.

He was a man that has gifts, a Shaman and the knowledge to guide me even in this brief turn of events. A passing word but so much that resonates within me. I was told to continue with what I was doing and to respect the many mentors that would come. My heart soared when we were telling our stories on what it meant to be intuitive and what we see. We had  sat on the bench of this foyer of the restaurant talking all the while and then got up, for each to go our separate ways. As I walked away I told him that I had asked for this. I had asked the Universe to send me someone wise, an elder and I received my wish. He then said he had hoped that one day we would see each other and if that is meant to be, then it will happen. For now I remember everything that he relayed to me, that means so much to me.